
As many readers of this blog know, I’ve dealt with allergies to wheat for some time and that it has limited my diet tomake me look like an Adkin’s fiend [I was “hold the bun” before Adkins was cool – Randy Parton]. This is now behind me… the wheat allergies are gone (for now, I must keep up my exercises to keep my body strong). This morning we did a muscle test and I’m now wheat tollerant. Corn will go next and I’m hoping that by my trip to Texas at the end of the month I’ll be able to eat like a man who’s not had a burrito in 7 years 🙂

I’ll have to have self control so that I don’t blow up like a balloon 🙂

3 thoughts on “Wheat

  1. Yea! That is so exciting! Now you can consume more servings of whole grains as recommended by the new US Dietary Guidelines. I know you’re excited about that! I like to consume many servings of ICE CREAM!

  2. That’s incredible. Not incredible like the story has no credit and should not be believed. Rather incredible like the story is really really good news. But I digress.

    How did you managed to re-wire your body thus? Did you do a memory upgrade while you had the case open?

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