Can I get Two?

If you look closely at the picture of the display on this page you’ll notice several things: it’s kind of dark and hard to see what’s going on. The other thing you’ll note is that the display is three (3) ‘monitors’ wide. This is the bombdest display and I’d seen pictures of it somewhere else and then lost track of them. So, here it is, the coolest display I’ve seen for a computer. Imagine playing a first person game where you’re surrounded completely without a break for multi-monitor games.

On a business level, think about having Word, Excel and FireFox open at the same time (if you think I was actually going to say Internet Explorer you must be crazy), all within view and being able to drag and drop between applications even easier than you can with multiple monitors.

Thirdly, think about how expensive it would be to buy this. It makes the Mac wide displays look small.

One thought on “Can I get Two?

  1. I generally play FPSs with a FOV of 120. With a display like that you could run at fov:360, that way the original screen size, the ‘middle screen’, would be exactly what I saw before – only now I can also see behind me and to my left and right while not losing sight of another player… It’d make camping a lot easier, no more getting snuck up on from behind.

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