I was sick all of yesterday, almost a literal 24 hours. Monday night at 12:08 (I remember looking at the clock) I woke up and went into the bathroom and discovered that my body was in ’empty me at both ends’ mode. That is a relatively nice way to say that I took the fastest route possible to losing weight be getting my body to eliminate anything and everything in my digestive track. This continued to where I finally fell asleep somewhere near 3:30 (as far as my delusional mind could remember) that morning and then happened again when I woke up after 6.
I don’t watch a lot of television, but when I’m sick, the boob tube comes on. I think that Katie Couric is half the female host that Diane Sawyer is. With that in mind neither of them strikes me as brilliant news casters, but since when was the ‘mass media’ the best place to get really useful news?
Anyway, I’m back and in action now so I’ll be posting again as usual.