I am not so naive to think that the debates were useful for anything more than swaying the dumbed down masses who somehow have not been jaded by a co-worker, relative or commercial to date. However, when I read Top 10 Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know About the Debates I was even more dissappointed. Who lost during these ‘debates’? The American public. Bush and Kerry both win with the goofy contract that exists in the debates.
Bush stuttered. Kerry spun. Bush spun and Kerry shifted. Americans watched two candidates spew lies, garbage and verbal diarhea for 90 minutes. The best part of the television was the fact that it was not interrupted with commercials. Unless of course you consider the fact that it is one big commercial for the presidents. Since the ‘debate’ doesn’t follow a true debate format and since most Americans are not familiar with debate format (including myself, I’ve only been to a few debates) it really doesn’t surpise me that people accept it as legit.
I was really saddened by the ‘everyman’ and ‘everywoman’ interviews they had this morning on the ‘news.’ People were absolutely spineless and wishy-washy (Which is of course due to selective editing by the producsers of the shows, or the journalists doing the interviews). Not one person that I saw interviewed said anything about truth, asked questions about spinning and honesty, or asked for the debates to cover issues that are critical to this nation, not Iraq or North Korea! When Kerry ignores the religious implications of the middle east he shows his diplomatic ignorance and when Bush spits out the same old lines about going to war with Iraq (though I believe removing Saddam was a good idea – he is a wicked modern Stalin or Hitler) we get nothing new from the candidates and further the ignorance of the American citizen.
Can we please get a real debate or some real candidates?