StatTraq Users

As people use StatTraq I’ll be linking to them – It’s pretty cool to see folks actually getting some use out of it.

Let me know if you’re using the software and I’ll blog your site as well.
Note: I am not responsible for content on these sites, just the statistics application they use.

5 thoughts on “StatTraq Users

  1. I got StatTraq installed a couple of minutes ago and I think it is great. I used to use Refer by Dean Allen, but that only showed where people came from and what they were looking from when referred by Google.
    Thanks for this awesome plugin!

  2. Hi Randy. I just started playing with stattraq and I like the results.

    One suggestion for you. In the Most Viewed Pages list, could you show the post slug along with the article number? It would save a step in figuring out what articles people are looking at.

  3. Sure. I’ll try to add that to a future version. I was also going to try to add a link to the actual post itself if that was helpful. The posts’s slug or Title would be really useful.

    Thanks for the suggestion.

  4. I am using it over at my site, as you somehow noticed. Works good, not sure if its because I am using a nightly build, but occasionally, I am getting some sort of ob_something error – usually occurs the first time i visit my site, and a refresh gets rid of it for the rest of the day. Something about URL-Rewrite. IIRC, liquidweb doesn’t use mod_rewrite. Not sure though. As was a comment about the stats, how about the ability to filter out hits from RSS readers? They really shouldn’t count as hits, or perhaps they should, not really sure, perhaps, only if content has changed, if its even possible to count since a new post was made?

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