SPF on HE.net

If you’re hosted by he.net like I am you have access to edit your DNS records. I host my email on an Alt-N MDaemon server, but I was able to add SPF records to my DNS to allow me to help prevent spam messages from being sent out from my domain. The DNS record looked like this:

randypeterman.com IN TXT “v=spf1 a mx ?all”

This tells the servers that are SPF aware that they need to only accept mail from my ‘A’ DNS mail record and that if the message doesn’t come from that server, it’s spam.

For more information on SPF go to http://spf.pobox.com

Eat spam, but don’t spread it.

One thought on “SPF on HE.net

  1. Yes, unfortunatly your host also list on a number of block list. I use HijackThis, so every time I come to your site I have to shut it down.
    Note: I installed HighjackThis and found no issues with visiting this site or any others that I visit. Please leave me a note if you can explain what this is about – Randy Peterman

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