Lions and Tigers and Bears – Okapi

In case you don’t know it an okapi is an endangered African relative of the Giraffe (I think the relationship is mutual – the Okapi must be that goofy uncle that no-one talks to). It looks more like a cross between a zebra and deer (picture of okapi hosted by Denver Zoo).

Abby had a really good time, with the exception of the Lions which just scared her too much:

The Lion Looked right at Abby through the glass at zero feet. She was tired and almost asleep in her stroller when we saw some monkeys, which woke her up and thrilled her like none of the other animals. We bought a zoo memebership thinking that she’d like to see the animals regularly. I’m thinking that she’ll really just want to see the monkeys but that she’ll endure everything else for us.

We went swimming tonight and I got to play catch for 35-40 minutes with a handicapped kid in the pool. He got real upset at me though at the beginning when I mentioned the crocodile we saw at the zoo. He said they were scary and should not be mentioned any more.

Crocodiles 😉

They are scary, but not if I’m just reading the word.