Usability Testing

I am excited because with one of my clients I’ll get to do some basic usability testing. This means that I get to put my software I’ve been working on in front of someone and say. “Use it.” All I get to do at this point in time is observe them. If the user gets stuck, can’t accomplish a task or runs into an error, I’ll get to take notes, but that is it. I’m very excited about the opportunity to see things in action with a ‘tabula rasa’ [blank slate]. I’m eager to actually get to do some of the things that I’ve only read or learned about because I think that it will 1) help me grow my skills as a designer 2) help me be a better planner 3) help me think like an end user. I often approach things as a designer (yes, including online ordering and administration) which is a weakness. I may post what happens just for fun (since a few readers of this blog are also developers).