This morning Abigail got her arm caught in the bars of her crib while climbing out. She’s OK, but it has now prompted Jessica to declare, “There shall be a new bed for our daughter, even if I have to sell my internal organs.” To which I replied, “If you sell enough organs we can buy a house.” But in short, Abigail has needed a ‘big girl’ bed for some time, I’ve just been holding out because frankly I want to have her get a bed when she gets her own money.* I think that she needs to get a job and start pulling her weight around here** So hopefully all of the parts and pieces will come together and we’ll be waking up at 6:00 AM because she walks in, not because she’s screaming cause she’s stuck.
* This conversation never really took place
*this is a lie
**not for some time
***I never used this character set in the above paragraphs
****You’re reading it anyway