So this site now looks like the main ‘professional’ site. This is to make you think that I live in the cold, fridgid mountains of C0lorado. It also makes my friends in Texas moderately jealous because we’ve had mild weather. I love them though, even though they live in a hot, hot, hot place. This also enables the search feature for the site so that you can find our Christmas Wishlist, rants about Elvis and other such nonsense.
I also put new pictures of Abby and Brennan up (and Hannah and Heidi, my cousins). Shari, my wonderful Sister-in-law, also put up some pictures on the photo section. You will see three vegetables watching a sponge – who lives in a pineapple under the sea. If you desire any of these photos in a larger, screen saver/wallpaper format please don’t hesitate to send me an email.
Also, I’m married to a wonderful woman. I should hithertoforemention* our daughter is priceless 😉
* hithertoforemention is not a real word, but it sounds good. My father-in-law John would not allow it in Scrabble.
Wow – I sure do like this look. Keep up the great work Randy!!