I don’t know why I put morning one on the first title, but to be consistent, I’m following my incorrect pattern. There is only one morning, unless I’ve missed something.
I was up until midnight last night working on some programming for one of my clients, and then Abby woke up around 1:30 crying. Jessica got up with her and then put her back down. A while later she just came in with her stuffed frog and blanket and tried to stay awake with us (because we wanted to be awake then). She came in, crawled up on the bed and Jessica just let her do whatever while trying to sleep (I don’t blame her, I wanted to sleep, too). Abigail tossed, turned, wiggled and then eventually pushed me over the edge so I got her up, carried her into her own bed where she went back to sleep. Crazy kids… gotta love ’em!
We’ll see how the potty training goes today. Jessica and I keep reminding Abby that she’s got to tell us when she has to go potty. We ask and ask and ask, but she says no. We’ll see how today turns out.