SXSW Day One

Registration is this afternoon, and the fun begins!
South By South-West will go all weekend and run until next Tuesday.
Tony and I made our schedule out last night.
It looks like we’re going to have some fun and learn.
Fun and learning.
It’s edutainment… not!

I think edutainment is a gimmick, but there’s going to be a session on it, if I wasn’t going to something more useful at the time.
I’m very excited about the navigation classes being offered.

I can tell you the worst thing for the weekend is this: Zeldman won’t be there, and
Nick Bradbury will be on a panel discussion that I’ll miss because frankly, Sunday morning is my church time!
However, it promises to be a productive weekend either way.
I think that gals and kids are going to have fun too because they’ll be going to Sea World.

Resting in Him,

Randy “datahead” Peterman