The Big CO

So yesterday my boss sent out a message here at work announcing that we’re moving to Colorado.
Within minutes I was chatting with 4 people with a fifth person knocking at my office door and getting lots of email.
It was a surprise announcement for most of the staff I’m sure.
Alt-N rocks and I’ll be glad to continue working for them as a consultant because I believe in our programs and the staff here.
We make a pretty mean mail server.

The move is coming up pretty quick, this morning I dropped Linda off at the airport and realized that we’ve got a little over a month to pack up before Jessica leaves (she’s going ahead of me).
We’ll be in Austin for 5 days while I go to SXSW, and so that cuts nearly a week off from things.
I’m hoping that Abby will not be too much of a busy-body while we are packing, I don’t want her to get hurt, or to make a worse mess.

The Passion

I was thinking on the way to work this morning how hypocritical the public is being about this new movie on the life of Christ (which I haven’t seen yet).
There are folks screaming their heads off that this is bigoted in some way or another.
Turn off your TV’s.
Don’t watch any movies.
Turn off the radio.
Stop reading my blog, the rest of the web and the news paper.
Put your books down.
All of those mediums can potentially carry anti-Semitic material.
All of those mediums can potentially carry messages of hate, murder and deceit.

If you’ve ever seen The Italian Job, Entrapment, The Cat in the Hat then you’ve seen movies about deceit and thievery – all from the perspective of the better bad guy.
In other words, unless you’re going to really clean up Hollywood and become truly innocent in your actions, don’t get all hissy about a historical epic.
One that is documented well.
I don’t think I recall seeing anyone out in the streets about Gladiator because of incest (not actually presented, but implied).
People were not on the TV talking about how, “Hobbits are the only characters in Middle-Earth that can endure the ring. That is so bigoted. And why didn’t female Hobbitses {gollum} carry our precious?”

If Cold Mountain is art then lets let The Passion be art.
Unless of course The Passion is about truth.
Unless of course Jesus did really die on the cross to pay for the sins of the world – giving salvation to those who would receive it.
Then we can really talk.
Otherwise – lets all just move on and wait for The Incredibles to come out.

Resting in Jesus,

Randy “Impassioned” Peterman