We had another weekend in Sherman with Doug and Amanda D.
Doug and I tried to get the kitchen counters put in, and partially succeedded except that we didn’t get the formica on the pressboard.
However, that will be easier than Doug trying to cut the wood by himself.
Abby was pretty good most of the weekend and Jess had a great talk with Amanda on Friday night.
I finally got two (1,2) of the three articles up from jury duty, but I can’t find the third article.
When I find it I’ll get it put up.
Thanks for reading this.
Also, if it comes to mind pray for Chad and Robin this week as they’ll be moving down from Michigan.
Speaking of which, pray for my dad who’s getting a mole removed this week…suspicious little bit of flesh appears to have changed colors.
Also, while you’re praying, pray that the Lord would give us direction on an ‘unspoken prayer,’ and general wisdom about how to serve him, no matter where we are and what we’re doing.
Resting in Him,
Randy “The Builder” (Peterman)