Jacob I Loved

This morning before work I read Genesis some more (I’m way behind on my reading plan) and was reading about Jacob.
What a guy.
He said that if the Lord blessed him in his journey he’d serve Him.
Now, before I sound arrogant, there are times that I too have tried to ‘lay down the fleece’ or test God.
However, God had been faithful to Abraham and Isaac before him.
I was concerned because Jacob seemed to not pick up from his father the reality of God’s sovereignty.
This makes me want to help my daughter, and others around me, understand the omnipotence of God.

I love Jacob though because he’s got a wrestler.
He also had a good wit about him to send presents before him to his brother, wanting to make peace, just in case there were issues.
I love my brother and I’m pretty sure there’s nothing between us, but I know that there are other people I have had questions about… I think I’d send camels too.

In short, today was not optimal, I fell short of some of the goals I had on the list, but I did get to talk to Tony, and that’s a good thing.
I love Tony, he’s a great brother in Christ, plus his sense of humor is priceless.
He makes me laugh, and when he’s not making me laugh he’s making me think.
He was a leader at his church retreat this weekend, something he said he’d not have volunteered for.
However, I think he’s a great leader because he’s a gentle corrector (this is coming from someone he’s corrected more than once), and a loving, compassionate man.
Also, he’s a good leader because he can process information and explain it well without using big words, something I need to learn to do better.

Resting in Him,

Randy “Turtle” Peterman