With American soldiers over in other countries, wondering what may befall them next, it’s good to see that people back here in the states have worked hard to give them some laughter.
I can’t believe that people actually go onto the audition ‘stage’ and ‘sing’ like that.
I have a mediocre voice and know it 🙂
Also, a praise: my dad went to the doctor today and the mole that looked like it may have been problematic is benign!
Pray for Chad and Robin as Wednesday (tomorrow as of this writing) they are heading down here.
Pray that Jessica recovers from being sick today, I had to try to work from home today which is hardly effective when I’m trying to look at HTML+CSS and keep half an eye on Abby whilst trying to get Jessica the things she requires.
Moms, you rock for multi-tasking, I don’t know how you do it.
Resting in Him,
Randy Peterman