Snake in the Grass

Yesterday afternoon my boss bought a Dodge Viper.
That is a fast car and it is slick looking, too.
His is all black and to make matters blacker he had the windows tinted.
The only things that are not black are the lights, brakes and rims.
The seats are covered in suede and the car just looks fast.

Mr. Utter

Our friends the Utters, who kept us company when we first moved to Texas live
in Michigan, but fortunately they sent Jamie Utter down to visit us and
tonight we had dinner with he and two other elders from the church he
co-elders, Doug and David.
I could have spent the rest of the night talking with them, but time ran out
and they had to get back to the conference they came down for.
We missed Ruth, Jay and Lacy, but hope to see them sometime next year anyway.
I didn’t get enough time!
But time seems to be the one thing that is always running out.
I can’t wait for Christ to return because then we’ll get to be with the
Utters for a lot longer – eternity.
It won’t be like that perfume/calogne called eternity because it will last
and smell better.


I’m going out shopping tonight for Jess’ presents too, so we’ll see what I
She’ll never guess…

Resting in Him,

Randy “Sneaky Snake” Peterman