Moral Duty

Today I read on another website about how employees of photo developers
(particularly one hour photoshops) were being put in a bad place because
they were having to develop images of things that were questionable, and
in some cases images of things that are illegal.
The problem was that their employers were telling them to ignore the moral
implications of the images and just develop the images leaving the
photographer to their privacy.
The problem with that lies in the fact that when people are harming other
people, or preparing to harm other people, they should be stopped.
Ignoring something on the grounds that a person has assumed privacy is
irresponsible, and it leads to moral apathy.

Similarly if we had been able to identify that one of the people involved
with the Columbine, Colorado events back in 1999 because they had put some
note in their garbage and somehow that note was discovered by a sanitation
worker, would the information in the note be considered invasion of
privacy if acted upon by legal authorities?
Anyway, I was irritated to hear that and because Walmart is one of the
perpetrators of such policies I’m glad to take my photo business else
Now, I don’t want to play the ‘guilty by association’ game, so if you have
your images developed there, that is fine.
I’m not a political activist, I’m an evangelist for truth and Jesus Christ.
Get your relationship straightened out with Christ, and then we’ll worry
about your camera 🙂

Resting in Him,

Randy “Hot Potato” Peterman