Last night
Nuzzi and I played Empire Earth together for some time.
We experienced a few technical difficulties, but over all had a fun
However, we didn’t get to finish because we had to go to bed.
We’re getting ready to go to Indiana tomorrow, and we’re looking forward to
the fun we’ll have there.
The snow that I think is there should be fun for Abby, but only if she’s
feeling better, she’s been running about with a slight cough.
Tonight I’m going to try to get some more pictures of Abby up, and maybe
even some footage of Abby opening presents.
She’s become quite the accomplished actress, a drama queen, by most accounts.
The best part is her overly exaggerated “Hi’s and Bye’s.”
The worst part is the dropping to the floor when she doesn’t get what she
Well, I must go to work and then to my chiropractor’s appointment.
Have a blessed day and a blessed Holiday season.
May the peace of Christ dwell in you richly today and every day!
One last thing: I should be able to put up articles remotely, but I won’t be
able to put pictures up until after we get back home.
Resting in Him,
Randy “Pixelator” Peterman