Baah. Humm. Bug


It’s the ‘holiday season,’ which translates in today’s world as two things:
Dollars and Political Correctness.
Dollars because of the amount of money people sill spend outdoing Santa.
And Political Correctness because we need to make sure that we market to all
of the religious holidays.
I’d like to turn people’s hearts and minds to the manger, where Christ was
born in Bethlehem.
When a Savior for the world was born in a place that only God expected and
the arrogance of man had no hold.
Where the sheep said “Baaah.”


Last night we had Christmas music on, which was fun, at least some of it was,
some of it was pretty poorly done.
So we fast forwarded those tracks which needed it.
I was glad to have been able to hear “Oh, Come Oh Come Emmanuel.”
That is one of my favorites because it is so emotive.
I like to sing along, even if my voice doesn’t have the range it used to when
I led the congregation in singing.
So, even if you don’t know all of the words this Christmas, humm along!


Prayer requests abound this season, but do pray for the people with this new
Flu strain.
It’s apparently a doozy.
Pray that folks don’t get it.
Pray that those who have it will get better – and pray that those who will be
traveling (us and so many others) will have safety in their journey.
And remember that prayer is part of your relationship with God – keep it real
and keep it constant.

Resting in Him,

Randy “Punny Guy” Peterman