Move Over Bob the Tomato

Having gone to Colorado I have developed a big ego.
Not because Colorado does that to you, but because a 10 year old girl
(Kailey) approached me after church and told me that she named a tomotoe
plant after me.
How cool is that?
If each person on earth gets 15 minutes of fame, I feel like I’m getting
However long that plant is alive, I’m famous.


We flew out of Dallas at around 4:00 PM central and made our way (slowly but
surely) to Colorado.
Slowly because we were on a plane designed for moving possibly 20 people, but
they had so engineered it to have seets that gave the appearance for a
greater amount of accomodations.
It was a 2 and 2 set up so that Jessica and I ended up sitting on different
rows, Abby stayed with Jessica.
The fellow that I sat next to was nice and talked with me for some of the
time, and part of the time I read I and II Timothy.
The fellow was the manager of six steakhouses in Oklahoma City called Santa
Fe Steakhouse.
Upon arrival in CO we made our way to the baggage where they informed us that
our suitcase had popped open at some point.
Becky and my Dad picked us up at the airport and upon departing we called mom
and she met us at the Cheesecake Factory for dinner.
Not just any dinner, but for Anniversary Dinner.
It was my parent’s thirtieth anniversary!
I said it then, and I say it again now, Happy Anniversary!

Dinner was good, but after waiting for over an hour to get in, we were
The place was so busy that the service was a hair less than normal, but it
was good over all.
The waitress was trying to wait on too many tables and the kitchen was
working really hard to keep up.


Saturday we went to the children’s museum.
It was small by most standards, but Abby had a good time (and that is why we
The Exploratorium in San Fransisco is cooler, and the one in Indianapolis is
excellent (thanks John for taking us there).
It was snowing by the time we left for the museum, and when we got there it
was really starting to accumulate.
Abby played in a room designed for children 4 and under – she loved it and it
was fun to see her play.

We got home in time for lunch and ate some.
But shortly after that Becky had to leave to go work at her Starbuck’s store.
My dad and I went out and got the ingredients for the
World’s Best Chili
(we add beans to this).
It turned out to be a spicy treat and my dad and I really enjoyed the heat.
We rented Bend it Like Beckham for Jessica and my mom to watch (we
guys watched part of it).

That evening my dad and I went out to help Becky get home as the roads had
iced pretty bad.
She had talked about spending the night at Starbuck’s which caused us to
On the way home I saw a taxi driver spin 270 degrees and wind up in the
oncoming traffic turning lane.
I would have dismissed it as slick roads if he had not immediately floored it
and nearly slid into the curb while trying to turn back around.
Not the kind of taxi I’d like to be in.


Sunday we went to church and it was good to listen to good sound teaching.
Between the Sunday School class and the main service I gave a copy of my
favorite web development book (Designing with Web Standards) to
the fellow in charge of the church’s site.
I hope he reads it because it is a great book, and also it would allow the
church’s site to be viewable to more people.
The main service was on Phillipians 4:8-9.
Dad laid it out and I sucked it in.
I miss being in a weekly service with meat.

I have summarized verse 8 in pseudo-code (some what likeprogramming code):

function shouldIThinkAboutThis(aThing)
	if(aThing.isTrue || 
		aThing.isHonorable || 
		aThing.isRight || 
		aThing.isPure || 
		aThing.isLovely || 
		aThing.isOfGoodRepute || 
		aThing.isExcellent || 
		// think about it is a function you define ;)
		// send for garbage collection

After the service I got to talk to several neat folks: Brian White (whom I’d
met before), Brad (no last name in memory banks) and Craig Kaes (who works
on Jabber).
After we had time to fellowship we headed to a Mexican restaraunt called ‘La
Over all it was a good meal, but the clencher was Abby saying, “Hi,” to the
gals at the table behind ours.
This was the first time she’s said that.
Later on in the day she started saying, “Uh-Oh.”
That will be cute, until the day she breaks something and then says, “oh-oh.”

Leaving in the evening was sad – it didn’t seem like enough time.
However, as time moves forward I can look forward to eternity with my parents
and the other saints in Heaven.
The flight that we had tickets for was cancelled and we had to take a flight
that was an hour later.
We got home only 20 minutes later than our original flight because the
American Airlines flight we had was on a larger plane.

Five Iron

Last on this list was the disappointment of missing the Five Iron Frenzy
concert that was last weekend.
The disappointment is in the fact that it was their last concert and we
didn’t get to go.
Not going was rooted in the fact that we had wanted to go to their show here
and missed it, and then thought, “wouldn’t it be cool?”
But both dismissed it because there would be no way we would be able to be
there on that weekend.
We were, we missed it, and we pray for the Lord’s blessing for the members of
the band.

Speaking of prayer pray for our health and well-being, Abby and I are
fighting colds, and Abby has an ear infection.
Thanksgiving is in a couple days and I don’t want to be sick.

Resting in Him,

Randy Peterman