Pretty Darn Busy

I’m listening to Hokus Pick Manouver’s first major album, “Pick It Up.”
It’s Friday afternoon and I was planning on wrapping up my work on Sojourner
Ministries site but have come to a question that needs answering, so I
figure I’ll put a few moments into an update for the news section.
I’ve been busy so I’ve got lots to share.

Friday of Last

Happy Birthday Louanne Mason, who turned older.
Jessica and I went to the Mason’s for dinner and enjoyed an evening of food and
Props to Louanne who made me wheat and corn free food 🙂
Abby whacked her head on their table causing a little swelling and a bit of a
mouth bleed, it was her first accident of that severity, but we knew it was
After a few moments of snuggling with mom she was back in her usual playful mood.

Saturday – A Smashing Time in Sherman

Jessica’s cousin and her husband bought a house in Sherman, Texas, that they have
been slowly but surely restoring.
Unfortunately the previous owners took shortcuts shorter than most contractors would
do so sometimes they’ve found odd things.
Continuing in the tradition of me helping Doug do demolition I helped try to do some

Doug and I spent most of the day trying to get the plumbing to work but ended up
getting some other stuff removed including their stove range oven as well as the
cabinetry around them.
Eventually it was time for Jessica and I to head to Garland where we went to a dinner
put on by Sojourner Ministries.
It was a refreshing time and we felt encouraged that Steve is as passionate as ever to
share “The Jewish Heart of Christianity.”
Amanda and Doug were kind enough to watch Abigail while we made out excursion.
We came back to Sherman and stayed up far too late with Doug and Amanda.


Sunday morning started bright and early as the children continued their winning streak.
Kids always win in the morning because no matter now much you want to pretend they’re
not screaming, yelling or doing something else noisy – you must get up in case
other adults are sleeping and try to quiet the kiddos.
Soon we were up and ready to finish a little bit more of the kitchen work as well as
some electrical work.
Somewhere in the swing of things we managed to install the new stove and oven and make
it out the door in time to watch the last half of the Indy Racing League race at
Texas Motor Speedway.

The drive to the race track was good because Doug and I got some time to talk.
Doug is a neat guy and I’m glad that he and I have not only become relatives but friends.
We talked about… hey, we talked about private stuff, you don’t get to find out what we
talked about.
We got to the race track and parked out about a quarter of a mile from the bleachers and
walked in and sat down at lap 100.
The cars are loud.
I said the cars are loud.
I can’t hear what you’re saying.

It was amazing to me how fast the cars went, on Television you don’t always get the best
perspective of what is going on.
The vehicles are louder and faster than Television lets on.
And you can forget about communication.
The people in the bleachers were yelling at one another while drinking – fortunately it
wasn’t fights but just ‘normal’ behavior 🙂
I suppose that with cars that loud there’s not much else to be expected.

The race ended prematurely when at lap 185 (it may have been 184 or some other lap, but
that’s my story) one of the cars (#15) crashed into another and caused it to crash into
one of the barriers at approximately 200 MPH.
The car that impacted the wall was almost completely obliterated except for the fusilage
which contained the driver.
The driver was eventually removed from the safety mechanisms in the ‘car’ and apparently
is recovering.

After the race Doug and I waited at the car for a while before we headed home and talked more
about stuff you’ll only have to imagine.
We grabbed dinner before going home and ate our Taco Bell whilst being swarmed by our ‘chillens’.
We then hung up two cabinets and then it was time to head home to Euless.

Jessica and Abigail slept in the car and I listened to the radio.
The problem is that what came on the radio was a talk show called “The White Horse Inn.”
It tried to be a reformed discussion group but instead ends up being goofy and frustrating for me.
Since I’m not reformed it just tweaks with me and makes me want to argue.
Unfortunately the hosts never listen to my arguments.

The Rest of the Week

This week was a pretty good one at work because the bosses were
impressed with my work on the latest beta of WorldClient.
I love working at Alt-N Technologies, I don’t think that there are
that many companies out there where things are as crazy as they
are here and yet we still get so much done.

Abby’s been a bit of a struggle because she’s been getting more and more
character and personality.
She wants what she wants when she wants it.
However, she’s lots of fun and I think that being a dad is going to
continue to require more of me, but its been really great.

Resting in Him,

Randy “Sofa Logic” Peterman