I’ve been told that if I don’t put more pictures up on the website that I’ll be sent lemongrass for my birthday.
Of course my grandma may send me some anyway, but that’s just because she has some and she like to send us plants and tree branches.
In fact this last Christmas (or maybe the year before) we received Christmas tree branches in the mail from her.
So, with that being said, I’ve added more pictures to the site.
They’re under the media section.
You may have seen them before but that’s just because I sent them out in a rough scan of the rolls earlier this month or late last month (depending on which wave you got hit with).
More Importantly
Hurricane Isabel is doing its thing on the east coast – pray for the people there.
Pray that they would trust God for protection.
Pray that the lost would turn to Him.
Pray that Christians would take the opportunity to shine in their service.
Pray about what you can contribute.
Contribute at least prayer.
Like first and third mixed together
If you’ve not been to I strongly recommend it.
I received great benefit from the discipleship material there, and you could probably use the spiritual food.
Yes, even you might benefit from the stuff there.
If you’d like info on being discipled contact Art there via email, or if you’re local to the DFW area, contact me, and I’ll see about setting up times for us to go over the material together.
It’s well worth your time, and the benefits are eternal.
Fine Ally
Lastly, we’ll be out of town for part of the weekend visiting Jess’ cousin and her family in Sherman.
If you try to call and we’re not home, call back every 5 minutes.
OK, not really, just leave a message in our ‘voice-box’.
If any one of you tries to be funny and leaves a lot of messages, we’ll be forced to blackmail you.
And you know we’ve got dirt on you.
Actually, I hope that any dirt you may have had on you was washed clean by the blood of Christ.
Resting in Him,