So We Had a Girl…

Abigirl Perterman

Abigail Ruth Peterman turns 366 days old today, and those of you who aren’t too
quick on the uptake, she’s one.
God has blessed us with this amazing little girl who is already walking, jabbering
(with a few actual words coming out).
Abigail (Abby) is just amazing in the things she’s learning.
The clencher for me was when she started running to the door when I get home from
work (and when I say run I mean a staggering, quick walk for baby legs).
I am a hero – I am Superman in this little girl’s eyes… I have an amazing role in
her life and I pray to God I may fulfill it through Him.

Jessica took to being a mom like a televangelist takes your money.
It seems that mothering is almost all she has time to do 😉
Though, I must confess Jessica has maintained the house, prepared for MOPS
hospitality (first meeting today) and fed me my allergy-free food – all
without a bunch of whining.
She’s a great woman of God (but if you read this site regularly you already
know I think that).

Great Grandparents

For those of you who are not intimately aware of all of our plans we’re running
away for a week, and Jessica and Abby are running away for even longer.
We’re going to take a three state tour with concert stops in WA, OR, and our
last gig will be in CA.
In all of that Abigail will see her grandpa and grandma Forland, grandpa and
grandma Peterman, Uncle and Aunt Peer, Uncle and Aunt Peterman (Ed and
Sha’i) and Aunt Becky.
She’ll be hanging with her cousin Brennan too!

But the thing I’m most excited about (excuse me for my personal opinion, but
if you don’t like it – buy your won domain) is we’ll be having all of my
family in one place (all being a very relative term) and Abby will get
to meet her great grandparents Earl ‘Pete’ Peterman and Marolyn Peterman.
We’ll also get to see Ed on his birthday – which is pretty darn cool!


Work has been good.
I’ve been working on a top-secret project.
I have now just taunted you…
I can say no more.


Changes to the Site

OK. So I’ve talked to some family, friends, and site nuts (ha, like there’s actually people who are site nuts) and gotten some feedback.
I was told that when I changed the site or added content, or did something worth noting that I should note it here.
So when you now come to and find yourself thinking, “Hmmm. I wonder what the crazy admin guy here at this site has changed.”
You’ll simply be able to read the ‘news’ section’s articles and get an update.

The site’s backend has been re-done so that its database driven.
This means that you as the end user will have absolutely no difference in experience (as of now), but later on I hope to use this to make a more powerful set of tools.

If you discover anything broken, please let me know at

Also – you may have noticed at the bottom of the pages there’s some new icons – let me explain:

  • XHTML compliance is good – this means that my site complies with standards and may help your browser render it faster, and more accurately.
  • CSS compliance is good – this means that some devices like cell phones, Palm Pilots, Pocket PC’s and really old browsers will still be able to show these pages – but not so beautifully.

Souled to the Biased Hitter

The above title means nothing its a punny twist on a spoonerism.
For those of you who find the previous sentence confusing, may
I recommend
Once you’ve looked up puns and spoonerisms you can move onto the important stuff.
You know, things like Abby’s walking, I’m finally done with my
reading/listening of the Old Testament, Jessica’s a great
wife and more.
Also, I washed the cars this morning.
Gross – dirt is dirty (Kinda like sin is sinful? Romans 7:13).

The Jabberwocky

When I was a lad my dad introduced me to the
This of course is foreign to most people (like my humor?) however Abigail has once again brought to my attention the idea of Jabber-Walking.
She is just going on and on now about utter nonsense.
Words that she says are mamamama and dadadadada and pish (fish) and cat and this.
I find that most anything can be a “this”.
She points randomly to things and says, “This?”
As Ray Romano says, “There’s no segway with kids. You go from, ‘Are you going to come home tomorrow dad?,’ to, ‘I have a thousand pennies.'”
Abigail was really fascinated with keys for a time.
Now, its the little rubber ends on door stops (she pulls them off and sucks on them, which is followed by a spanking when we discover it).
However, with all of that, she’s cute and she’s taking steps – lots of them.

Old Testament Journey

During a long walk with my friend Paul Henebury he encouraged me to read through the Bible – regularly.
This was something I knew I should do, but frankly have not done but once, and even then it was a while ago.
I finished reading (and listening, my in-laws gave me the Bible on CD-audio [THANKS!!!!]) the Old Testament
and am now digging heartily into Matthew.
I was struck by the sense of passion in the Ezekial, awed by Jonah’s blatant hatred of the Ninevites, and
wondered by the end times descriptions of a merciful God sparing His people, and yet demanding justice.

I hope to be able to read through the Bible at least 2 times a year from now on.
I’m not going to keep a strict schedule, but I know that if you read about 10 chapters a day
(I’d keep Psalm 119 to itself) you can read the Bible in ~6 months.
Sure, you’ll run into questions if you’ve never done it before, but think about how much of
the Old Testament so many of us have not read and think about how much of the New Testament
depends on an Old Testament context or understanding (context?).

If you’d like more info on reading through the Bible and schedules for it:

  • – read online in multiple translations, or listen in Real Audio (Yuck, I don’t like RA, hyowever, I recommend reading in the NASB, usually)
  • Back to the Bible – a site with various reading plans, pretty darn cool.

Jessica is the Bomb!

I married a great wife.

I can’t say that enough.

If your wife is half as good as Jessica you’re a lucky man.
She takes such good care of our little girl, she makes our home a nest, and she doesn’t complain about not having a house yet.
She is diligent to stay on the budget and even looks for ways to get ahead.
She’s smart (even if she did marry me).
The loves the Lord most of all, and that makes me a proud (yet biblically humble ;)) man.

Other Stuff

We’re doing well in every other sense I think.
We’re planning on going to OR, WA, and CA all in 9 days or so in August/September.

Resting in Him,
