Changes to the Site

OK. So I’ve talked to some family, friends, and site nuts (ha, like there’s actually people who are site nuts) and gotten some feedback.
I was told that when I changed the site or added content, or did something worth noting that I should note it here.
So when you now come to and find yourself thinking, “Hmmm. I wonder what the crazy admin guy here at this site has changed.”
You’ll simply be able to read the ‘news’ section’s articles and get an update.

The site’s backend has been re-done so that its database driven.
This means that you as the end user will have absolutely no difference in experience (as of now), but later on I hope to use this to make a more powerful set of tools.

If you discover anything broken, please let me know at

Also – you may have noticed at the bottom of the pages there’s some new icons – let me explain:

  • XHTML compliance is good – this means that my site complies with standards and may help your browser render it faster, and more accurately.
  • CSS compliance is good – this means that some devices like cell phones, Palm Pilots, Pocket PC’s and really old browsers will still be able to show these pages – but not so beautifully.