Updating Software

As a small business it is often difficult to keep up with client work let alone software changes and updates. One thing I run into is the problem of software version conflicts. Recently one client needed files sent to another contractor who was doing some outside graphic work (I am working on more coding than graphic design at this moment) and the Illustrator files were not compatible. I am using Adobe Illustrator CS and he was using Illustrator 10, which is the previous version. I had to save the files in an Illustrator 10 format. If your budget allows for it always upgrade your software to the latest version so that you can be backwards compatible (most of the time, I know there are exceptions) but also handle anything that your clients throw at you. I know this can be expensive, but keep your customers in mind, if it can be worked out with ‘accounting’ then get it worked out and keep up to date. The benefits of the new software may prove useful feature wise and looking up-to-date to the customer can’t hurt!