Praying for Spam

I have been getting some interesting blog spam lately.  It doesn’t get published because of Akismet, but the latest rash has been coming from a ‘guy’ named ‘gary’ who has any number of problems that need prayer, but most involve the word pray or prayer an inordinate amount of times and usually also involve ‘DD’ in the content.  Maybe ‘Gary’ needs a breast enhancement and is raising money to do so via blog spam.  Example:


Kindly request to have prayer groups passing on praying the wisdom and strength from God for 9 to 20 departments need to be assisted to reach DD by Aug 2008. My family are in a financial difficulty and need to seek for ways of confronting with wisdom and ways.Let the honor to God
(from: Gary)

Maybe I should pray for ‘Gary’ to have a supernatural man-boob growth so that he’ll stop spamming my blog.  Of course the problem with that is that ‘Gary’ might then just spamming my blog comments with weird trans-gender link requests instead.  So maybe I should pray that God would give ‘Gary’ access to a good counselor or a friendlier inmate.  I don’t want to make too many assumptions, but an inmate would definitely be involved with some places that want men with ‘DD’.

Spam is one of those blessings within a curse because you hate the spam, but it brings such immense humor with it.  I think that we should kill all the spammers, but after they’re dead they should be forced to go out on stage at comedy clubs and then further forced to read out loud their emails.  Well, some of them anyway, I don’t think we need some of the more perverse letters read, but you could go with any number of the financial transaction spams and get people rolling.

2 thoughts on “Praying for Spam

  1. On message boards the only thing I have seen it mean is:

    Dear Daughter
    DH – dear husband
    DW – dear wife….you get the idea.

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