I don’t know a lot about food history in the grand scheme of things, but I have one question: who decided that it would be a fantastic idea to eat ginger root? Who was digging in the dirt and said, “I’m going to stick that in my mouth. It looks just like an internal organ from a cancer infested critter. Tasty.” I enjoy the ginger root, really, but that’s not something that I would look at and say, “This looks like it should be eaten.” It’s sure no apple.
Aw man…now you done it. I actually am a BIG fan of the ginger root – also known as “man root” due to the fact that it usually resembles a small man (arms and legs and all). Ginger is known to be a great cure for motion sickness, an absolute requirement for good Chinese food, and it also makes the best darn drink Ginger Beer.
That being said, I guess I should wonder who the scrounge was that “discovered” it. 🙂