Low Hanging News

I shouldn’t pick on the news writers, except that its their job to write useful news… or is it?  Take this article for example.  I want to know what form of logic is consistent that allows you to have an influx of people into an area, that if removed, means that the area would lose population.  You could logically say that if those people stopped coming into an area that the populoation would stagnate and eventually, due to death and alien abductions the population would go down, but you can’t say that because immigrants are moving into an area that the population would go down if they stopped coming.  Its a false argument.

Let me put it forth in a formula because I can’t [SIC]:

Immigrants + population in an area = greater population

but that doesn’t mean that

population in area + 0 > population in area

I’m sure that’s a bad formula and I’m sure I lost most of the readers after the word forumula above.

One thought on “Low Hanging News

  1. When I was in elementary school, we learned “new math”, but I think this is newer math! Looking at this article the only possible answer I can come up with is that the immigrants are providing services as maids, gardeners, etc. that keep the current population from moving to another place where they could get these services….otherwise, it must be newer math.

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