Some time I wrote about a site that allowed folks to put captions on things and the entry had the title: What to Wear to Court. Bad move on my part. Now folks are coming to my site looking for clothing advice. If you’re reading this looking clothing advice, you’re on the wrong blog. I recommend the following outfit for 99% of your life: T-Shirt (white, black or possibly blue) with Jeans (blue, loose fitting preferred). When you go to court, you can wear a button up shirt, but don’t lose the jeans! Clothes in court are half of the battle. The other half is whether or not you’re the guilty one or not. If you’re a juror, make sure you wear your sunglasses in so that they don’t see you looking at anything but the person in the stand or the judge or attorneys.
Oh, and make sure you have on clean underwear in case the defendent escapes and kills you – your mom will be proud 😉
note: this is a joke article and if I’m ever called to a jury I will do my civic duties with pride and honor – attorneys please don’t weed me out because I like to laugh
It’s amazing what some people wear to court. Even Judge Judy has to deal with people wearing completely inappropriate clothing. Why is it so hard?
LOL! I think they need to have signs outside:
What to wear if you’re…
1) Paying a traffic ticket: Modesty counts. You saw the flashing lights, no flashing us.
2) You’re in small claims court: Again, Modesty counts. We don’t care how small or big your claims are – keep them covered.
3) Malpractice suit: Did we mention modesty? The doctor’s work may be shoddy, but your clothes shouldn’t be. If there’s holes in his/her work, don’t let that be reflected in your clothes.
4) On the jury: Por favor cubierta usted mismo. No fair distracting the judge with your flashy new watch reflecting the light into his eyes. No fair wearing a short skirt and sitting anywhere that the accused sex offender can see you – he’ll be more fidgety than an ADD kid during an adult church service. No fair wearing a low cut blouse to keep the attorneys standing up while cross-examining ‘witnesses.’ And gentlemen, please shave. Don Johnson’s Miami Vice look was cool in the 80’s – it’s been at least 15 years.
I am SO GLAD I’ve never been called to Jury Duty. (Naturally, by broadcasting that fact, the ink on my summons will be drying about now.) When I was in CO, the t-shirt and jeans rule was golden. But now that I’m back in Texas, do NOT ask me to put on long pants between April and September. My wife refuses to go to church with me if I wear shorts, so that’s my one concession, but I have, in fact, paid a ticket wearing shorts and a t-shirt. On a side note, it’s really better if the t-shirt has something geeksihly “clever” on it. Like this…
Re Courts,clothes & does it matter.
Personally so far in my life I’ve not been in court, however having now been the victim of an assaunt this may well change.
One sees on the tv defendants etc dressing up, I mean why do they bother? will the judge/fiscal/sheriff be impressed with their labels & let em off? I hope not.I fail to see why either party should dress in a formal manner in order to ‘show respect’ to the legal establishment.
On saying that should my assailant plead not guilty & I have to turn up in court,it’s a real thought wot I’ll have to wear.
Obviously high heels are out.
The same applies in churches which I rarely go to, it should’nt matter,who are ye trying to impress????.