I just got a spam that was in some oriental language. Sorry, I don’t know which one. I’d sure hate to misrepresent the spammer as being any particular nationality when in fact they’re not that nationality. Mostly because I’d sure hate to have said that ‘ture love’ doesn’t exist in America, but it does in Korea, China, Japan or Hawaii*. Especially when we have such historical movie precedense as the Princess Bride wherein we find a priest with such a fun speach impediment that True Love sounds more like ‘twoo wub.’ This can only help to confuse those who speak Engrish as a second language. If you have any doubt, Crick Here. Anyway, the only English in the whole email was ‘Ture Love.’ Which I’m pretty sure is a guaranteed way to get click throughs that earn them millions of yen, pesos or dollars.
I hate maps**.
* Woops, Hawaii is part of the United States, my bad.
** I mean spam, but (s)he typoed first.