Read Words the Way They Were Meant to Be Read

I love it when I read something that just is so redundant or such a non-statement that I think, “I would probably write that on my blog… as a pun, one liner or joke.” Take for example this blog entry by one of the big-wigs at General Motors. It has a classic statement in it that only a seasoned executive or crumby writer like myself could make:

We want Pontiac to be a performance-oriented division offering vehicles that can really be driven the way vehicles are meant to be driven.

Now I will point out that he goes on to clarify this statement, but that would be no fun to just concede and go home a quitter. No, I want to think about the alternative methods that you could drive a car:

  • From the back seat like I do when I’m a passenger
  • Blindfolded. This would just rock, or at least for about 5 seconds it would. Once out of ‘park’ or neutral, you’d be hosed.
  • Two wheels. What would happen if you were to attempt to drive on only two wheels? I can do this on a skateboard (or Tony Hawk can on my Playstation 2), why not do it in a car?
  • In reverse. Think of the joys of having your transmission installed incorrectly and actually being able to go 95 miles per hour in reverse. Tell me that you don’t want to try this at least once.

Now, remember this is all just in fun and that you need to read this as words were meant to be read: in a mirror.

2 thoughts on “Read Words the Way They Were Meant to Be Read

  1. Pingback: Disquisitions » Blog Archive » I do not think this means what you think it means.

  2. Bob, Cograts on the job you have been doing so far on the Styling. My only complaint, and it is significant, is why do not many of the resulting productions cars even remotely resemble the Auto Show concept cars? A good example of this in the Crossfire. If GM had actually produced something even close rather than an updated version of a Century, it would have been a real hot seller. My Dad worked for GM for forty years with many of those at the Styling/Design Staff under Harley Earl. You or somebody needs to become the force Mr. Earl was in automive design.

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