Overheard This Last Week

This last weekend (Sunday the 31st) Clair and I went to a restaurant for lunch and were seated at a booth near two older ladies (older meaning they looked to be in their late 60’s to mid 70’s if I was to guess. They may have taken that as a complement). Clair got up to use the restroom and so with nothing else to do I listened to other conversations in the room. The two older ladies were very excited about ‘the bowling alley last week.’ I can assure you that there is no bowling alley in Kalama Washington. However, one of them was impressed with the food at the bowling alley. She leaned over to the other gal and said, “You know that was a big turkey sandwich! They had this much meat on it [makes about a 1.25 inch gap between thumb and forefinger (AKA nose picker)].” Her friend seemed equally impressed by the size of the sandwich.

I hope and pray that turkey sandwiches are not focal points of my life when I reach that age. I want to be excited about my grandkids, the fact they have a new Super-Duper Polygrip [you so have to click that link, it’s to a funny comic strip], and of course the latest on America’s Funniest Home Videos – Mashup Edition.