Next Superman Movie to Be Filmed in Australia

In this article Brandon Routh is Superman you can read that the filming of the next Superman movie will be taking place in Australia. I expect Phil Boardman to keep us all abreast of the latest Superman filming happenings since Australia is so small 😉 My only fear in all of this is that we’ll get a Superman movie that has Paul Hogan (Crocodile Dundee), Steve Erwin (The Crocodile Hunter) and a CGI Christopher Reeves (if you don’t know who this is then you’ve obviously not seen the news that ‘the original’ Superman died*) all with cameos.

* or that his wife cheapened his death recently by throwing his name around at a John Kerry rally – sorry about that, I was just disgusted by this lame political maneuver and what looked like a disrespectful action on her part.

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