What is the proper etiquette to let a person know that they have a crock pot on the roof of their mini-van? I don’t know morse code, I don’t know that it is safe to exit my vehicle while driving with two little girls in the car to alert the driver of the crock-pot-mini-van, and I’m pretty sure that when traffic is that jammed and it is as cold as it was this morning (-13F or -25C) its even less safe. What would you do, if anything, to alert the driver that their soup is getting cold?
I’ve always wanted one of those moving light banners at the bank…”You left the crockpot on the roof of your car” “Your turn signal is on” You don’t have any brake lights (or any lights at all)”
@Nancy – bingo!
What a great Christmas gift idea!
Only $475.
Yes, great gift, but programming that while driving has got to be as dangerous as texting while driving. I find that a honk and point work pretty well for all messages from one car to another. A honk and fist work pretty well too!
HA HA HA HA!!! Classic!