
I voted. I voted for the candidates that I figured best represented my view of the world. I did not vote a party line, I did not vote for Obama, and I did not vote for McCain. I feel better about my vote simply because I voted for a representative and not a party.

If anyone tells you, “A vote for * is a vote for #.”. Where values of * and # are political figureheads and don’t represent your views tell them that the last time you checked this was still America land of the free to vote for whomever you choose. If Obama represents your ideals, vote for him. If McCain represents your ideals, vote for him. If you are not represented by either of them then do yourself right and pick a “3rd party” candidate who had the guts to run in the face of the genuinely oppressive Dems and Reps. Show the two bigger parties that bullies are not appreciated. Clearly neither party has stopped the 10,000,000,000,000.00 debt.

Don’t just do something, sit there. Don’t let the masses move you. Sit and think. Figure out who is your representative. The Internet gives you access to a number of resources to help you learn about the representatives you have to choose from. Vote with your conscience and not with the flow.

8 thoughts on “Voted

  1. Who else was on your ballot? I have not gone to vote yet, but looking at my sample ballot, I realize that I do not know enough about any of the other candidates to vote for them. I would have liked to see Ron Paul as the republican candidate. Or Dennis Kucinich (sp) as the democratic candidate. Or go back in time and get Thomas Jefferson, though he would probably go into apoplexy if he saw what we have done to the country that he idealized. Why are these people our only choices? Does anybody know anything about this “None of These Candidates” guy, he looks pretty good.

  2. Woo-hoo!!! Way to go Randy!

    I realized back in the spring that neither of the two major parties would be receiving my vote. It is a breath of fresh air to read/hear about other people voting outside the current 2-party system.

    I read this quote from John Quincy Adams the other day and I think it is very true and confirming:

    “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.”

    Here is a transcript from a Chuck Baldwin speech talking about how a third-party vote is NOT a wasted vote:

    Carry on brother!

  3. JenNIFER [he he, that would have driven Mrs. Taylor CRAZY],
    I had to read up on each candidate. Jessica did even MORE digging than I did. There were some parties that I did not bother to research simply because I so strongly disagree with the socialist party, but I had libertarian, constitutional, independent, and some who were unaffiliated. It wasn’t easy, but as uncle Ben said on Spiderman, “With great power comes great responsibility.” We have been given this responsibility as citizens. I wish I had taken even more time to dig into the election and vote with greater knowledge.

  4. I still wish you would have used me as the write in vote. I would love to have that happen just once!

    P.S. I love that quote that justin listed from JQA.

  5. Although if “he who must not be named” wins Colorado by 2 votes I am going to be pretty bummed.
    HA HA!! You know I love you guys.

  6. The O’Bama campaign has pushed harder than any other campaign in my area. It could be that we live about 6 blocks from the Democratic headquarters for Aurora, it could be that O & Co. know this is a ‘swing state’, or it could be that we’re extra lucky enough to have three registered voters here in this household.

    If either of the primary candidates wins I’ll be sad. And the number of votes one wins by shouldn’t select the state’s entire collection of votes, the electoral college handles that and I believe that the states have a system in place to handle draws or close votes. Colorado has 9 votes, so we can’t present a tie, but I think we should have electors’ attempting to vote in a representative fashion. Give McCain 3, O’Bama 3 and then split the other three amongst the other candidates that ran. Ha ha, its a tie! Would it even be a power tie?

  7. Sitting and brewing and thinking is a lost art. So many people are moved by commercials (money), books (money), friends (money?) that they don’t take the time to figure it out by themselves.

    Kudos for being an independent thinker.

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