Stand Still

I am standing outside of the DFW airport waiting for the shuttle to take me to the hotel. It is amazing how time to stop and think turns me pensive. I’m oddly thinking of the human will. Maleable by some standards but definitely stuborn. I have friends who are rather cantancerous, much like me, but who see the will differently. My buddy Dave sent me an interesting link (which is not easy for me to post now) that discussed techniques people use toinfluence or manipulate the human will. Churches are mentioned at one point in time, but I never identify with this because at least my current church avoids this tactic and instead leans towards letting the Bible’s text speak for itself. The Bible speaks of the will in strong language, but it doesn’t speak of manipulation… It is a sad thing to see the name of Christ so poorly represented. It is my will that I can be different – gentle, friendly and honest. Or at least less like Paul Crouch and more like the apostle Paul: a spunky Geek who spoke to the Greek.