Sears Borkbucks: The Borkination Continues

So this morning was finally the day that the repairman from Sears was supposed to come out and unbork our fridge. That is until this morning when some poor soul had to call our house and tell us that they had scheduled a repair when there wasn’t a repairman available. She kindly asked us if we could wait another 8 days. You know, because walking out into our garage to get any item that needs to be refrigerated is a good thing. Not really, but surely they must appreciate putting customers on hold for weeks.

Jessica was nearly screaming at the automated voice system when she called back to try to speak to someone with actual authority. The automatic voice recognition system isn’t designed to handle angry people, which makes the angry people more angry, and it makes the system more not work, which means when the person gets a hold of a manager they’re ready to rip off the heads of live chickens in an Ozzy Osbourne type show trying to demonstrate their anger and communicate to the manager that the situation is grim.

I just hope that Sears deals with us soon and quickly because I’d have to have to write a third post about borking – its starting to make me feel kind of mad-scientist like with all of this evil laughter.

Update: Jessica got through to a live person, who promptly hung up on her, then she called back, got another live person who transferred her to a manager who got an appointment scheduled for Friday.  Not exactly now, but definitely better than next week some time.