This Post Contains Too Much Information

I mentioned a few days back that I was having some medical issues. This post is going to outline those issues and I’m also going to keep a running tab within this post to outline exactly what I’ve got, what my symptoms are, and what I’m going to be doing about my medical problem. To keep you from throwing up in your mouth by revealing it all here its going to require you to click the ‘more’ link to see the rest of the post. As a legal disclaimer I wanted to state that this is my own blogging of my own experience and should not be considered medical advice. Don’t sue me if you read this, use some of the ideas in here and it doesn’t work for you.

Starting somewhere in December or January I started to get red rashes on my arms. Seeing as I have food allergies I figured that I might have gotten ahold of some corn without knowing it. Except that the rashes didn’t go away. Over time they got worse. I went to my alternative health practitioner/homeopath and she did some muscle testing to deduce I had some parasite(s). After a round of anti-microbial natural treatments, nothing came of it and the rash was worse. The only option was a stool sample series being sent to a lab.

In case you’ve never taken part in stool sampling, they want three samples. One ‘the first day’ and two the third day. Upon completing the samples you have to ship them overnight (or I did in my case) to a lab. I had to refrigerate my own feces for several days before I could get the second set of samples. This was very humiliating. Fortunately as an affluent American I have a second fridge in the garage where I could store them alone on a shelf. If you have to do a stool sample: get ready to put any and all pride away. It is gross and you will see things in your stools that you really never needed to see.

The lab results took some time to get back but it turns out that I have blastocystis hominis. This particular parasite doesn’t have a known cure in the western medical community. Fortunately my uncle has done some research for other problematic human diseases (read more here) and he recommended I look into enzymatic therapy. The problem with the Blastocystis hominis parasite is that it isn’t a worm, its a unicellular organism. It breaks down your intestines ability to absorb food nutrients and it weakens your immune system (thus my skin, a part of my immune system was unable to fight the rash). If left alone long enough it would probably shut down your ability to get any nutrients from food and you could possibly die or get very very sick and then die.  In my own case the normal immunoglobin count was down from what should be 400 or so to 15.  I had a very weak immune system as of last Wednesday the 25th.

There is a supplement called wobenzym-n that I am about to start taking today that is known to help fight the blastocystis hominis along with the anti-microbial supplement I was taking before. Together these two should probably knock this thing out of my system in about six weeks. I’m looking forward to not itching, and I’m also looking forward to not having to feel tired all of the time.

You can read more about blastocystis hominis on wikipedia which actually has the most information I’ve been able to find in the short time I’ve been researching.

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