At our local mega-giant-club-store-where-you-buy-in-quantities-that-would-feed-third-world-countries they had a compost bin for a price I couldn’t pass up. I bought the bin because I hate throwing away so much food. We throw out so much stuff wrapped in plastic trash bags that could be recycled that I’m embarrased to be involved in the process. So along with recycling glass, plastic, paper and metal products I’m also recycling some of our food waste. That food will go into the compost bin, get eaten up by bacteria, and according to the line drawing that came with the instructions, will come out as small lines of garden goodness.
We’ll till the compost into our dirt and then our dirt will be happy. Happy dirt for happy worms that will be eaten by happy birds. I’m hoping the happy birds will then drop happy bird droppings on our car instead of the sad or solum droppings that they now drop periodically. Because that would make me happy. Not as happy as, say, not having the droppings hit my car at all, but better than sad droppings. That’s why you should compost, too.
What environmentally friendly/fiendly things do you participate in? Not “earth day” which is just a joke, but real things that you feel emotionally involved in like driving a Hummer or a Prius?
Since Darlene is a “master composter”, by training not because I think it’s fun to say that, we actually have a compost pile currently brewing (be sure that you get your ratios right or you just have a pile with no decay), an family of worms that has taken up residence with us in the laundry room, and a pit composter in the beds out front (that’s where the food is “recycled”). If you’re serious about it, I’d recommend getting a decent thermometer so you can monitor the pile’s temperature and know when to turn it.
And, yes, we’re seriously considering the Toyota Highlander for the next vehicle since we can get it in “hybrid”!