Last night a mouse died… under my table saw. My mother-in-law went into the garage to have a smoke and found the mouse dead there. Yuck. Slightly weird. Death in the garage.
It was actually nice because the mouse had escaped a trap I’d set for it. We saw the snapped trap and a trail of mouse juice leaving AWAY from the trap in another direction that was not towards the saw. But the saw’s powers were just too great, the mouse had to come out and meet its final destiny under the Ryob.
The worst part was that I had to dispose of the mouse. I don’t like dead animals for various reasons, but one of them is germs. I put on work gloves, grabbed a wide open piece of newspaper (for some reason we get a paper even though no one reads it for anything but coupons and comics) and carefully picked up the body. I had to squeeze the paper until I felt the little body inside of it – which was also not an ok mental experience. The mouse went into a whole foods paper bag (for some reason I always get paper when I go to Whole Foods – I think I feel like I fit in better when I do), inside of the garbage can,inside of my house, inside the city of Aurora, inside Arapahoe county, inside Colorado, inside the United State, inside North America, inside of the earth… and the tiny germs on the dead mouse stayed off of me. But just in case I washed my arms up to my shoulders. Yes, even the hand that didn’t touch the dead mouse newspaper through a leather work glove.
Did you sterilize every part of the floor touched by the rodent? Did you incinerate all the newspapers and paper bags used to dispose of said vermin? You may want to buy a new house. Who knows were that rat sat?
ROFL! That’s a good point. I’ll need to get this house on the market as soon as possible!