The Jury Duty That Wasn’t

I received an invitation to a ‘party’ via the postal service requesting I come.  They even wanted me to RSVP, but threatened I could only declined once, and if I did I’d have to come the next time they invited me – no matter what.  Well, I took the Arapahoe County Jury Duty Computer Selection System up on its invite.  Except that today when I was ready to go I followed some of the instructions they sent me (I actually followed all of them, but some of them were pertinent) and called a phone number.  To my joy the number didn’t get typed in incorrectly so that I’d discover some adult hotline being run by the county.  Instead it told me I didn’t have to come in.  Therefore my civic duties had been completed but I never left my house.  Drat.

The upside is that someone is probably in court without me on their jury.  That’s good because the lawyers don’t like it when the jurors shout out, “All trafic violations should lead to capital punishment!”  Especially when its a small claimes case about shoes that didn’t hold up five minutes out of the store.