No, I didn’t misspell ‘Friend’ in the title. The book ‘My Friend Flicka’ has been made into a movie. I read that book as a ‘tween and recall that on a very bad day for me I was reading it. I had some sort of argument with my mom and crawled into the secret room in their house (at the time, they no longer live there) and read the book and cried off and on during the day. Sure, that’s not too manly but I had enough hormones surging through me on that day that I’m pretty sure that I would have qualified as a lab rat.
Anyway, I got to the end of the book and was all weepy and then my dad came home from work and searched me out. He was a bit upset that I had given my mom a hard time. I probably through one of the biggest tantrums of my post-kid life that day and I’m pretty sure my dad was ready to send me to Siberia. I can’t remember much about the book, I just remember being a completely goofy jerkwad to my parents.
Thanks Mom and Dad for not finishing me off that day when I probably deserved it 🙂
Better yet, praise the Lord for growing us all up into Him. And thanks for your forgiveness!
This movie is actually a remake of the Roddy McDowell one from the 60’s. Being that it stars Tim McGraw, I’ll be sure to miss it. 😉