Start Your Weekend Off with a Dig!

So, last night was the beginning of our weekend without the kids for our eigth anniversary.  The Kaes have the girls, and we have this odd sense of freedom.  As we left the house we were waiting at a traffic light and I looked in my rear view mirror there was a woman picking her nose.  I didn’t think much of it because after driving for so long I’ve seen more nose picking than would make for a good blog entry to write about.  But in a split second she slipped her finger into her [feeling sick here, sorry] mouth.  At this point in time I should have looked away but I was shocked.  I wanted to see clearly and penetrate the slightly less that crystal clear image I was seeing to make sure that I was really seeing what I thought I was seeing.  She did it again.  I busted into odd laughter and Jessica asked what was so funny.  I told her.  And then I think I pretty much ruined the whole evening for her because of my obvserving one strange woman doing things that ought not be done.  I dug myself a whole there was no getting out of.

After we spent some time together we were able to forget about the gal and things went smoothly and we had a good time.  Day one ended with no other freakishly weird things happening 🙂