A few annymous females that I lived with while growing up used to use a word for ‘urinating’ that was fun: Tinkle. What is weird is that in the English language we have such a large body of vocabulary dedicated to bodily functions in general. I recall hearing as I grew up about a contest they had at my dad’s place of employment that encouraged the employees to come up with other names for ‘cow pies’ and by cow pies I mean manure, cow poop, dung, cow crap, meadow muffins, cow frisbees, boot muck also known as fecal matter of bovine origin.
Another blog I once read had a listing of names for boy and girl private parts as well. What was funny was reading that many people used the same word to describe the front or back side of male or female parts depending on the family. Can you imagine getting married to someone only to discover that their ‘pom-pom’ was a completely different ‘pom-pom’ than your’s [don’t think about that too much]? And that is why I wanted to ask this question: if you are a parent, what sort of vocabulary do you have for dirty business in your house? We have stuck with as much of the scientific words so as to make it less of a shock when people use them in polite company or educational environments and they don’t snicker like a candy bar.
“Poop” is scientific?
We called Poop, stinkies. The fun part is that everytime Kieron Breaths heavily (nevermind if he is playing hard) Canon proudly announces , “Kieron’s making stinkies!!!!” The sucky part is when he really is.