Shot in the Nostril of Love

Back in the day my good friend Sean and I wrote a bogus country song. I can’t remember all of the words, but here are some of them. I thought you might enjoy knowing how dangerous I was in junior high.

I’ve been shot in the nostril of love
In the middle when push comes to shove
we fit together like a right hand in a left glove
I’ve been shot in the nostril of love

There was a lot more than that, but I can only remember that one stanza. Sean and I had over-active imaginations and we created our own comedy tape (which may be somewhere buried in his parents’ house). Tonight Abby picked out his book at the library with great excitement (it was out on display). I miss Sean and am scolding myself for not having stayed closer in communications.

So, with nine days until Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for friends, including the super crazy ones that put up with the crap I threw their way and stuck it out with me.

2 thoughts on “Shot in the Nostril of Love

  1. Ha ha! I totally remember that song! You still haven’t ever played me the one you wrote for me…

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