Sometimes words race through my mind that are less than flattering, and are all-together unwholesome. This doesn’t happen often, but it does happen sometimes. Most commonly when I get comment spam I think, “Those 57Up1d 84574rd5!” And then I cool off, pray for the Lord to purify my thoughts, and delete the spam. However, what really bothers me is that if the comment spammers are from Asia, there is nothing I can (or ICANN) do about it. That is the real source of the frustration. If I could shut people down (I’ve already shut down one source of spam thanks to the help of the ISP that was hosting the goober) I’d feel a little better. Even if I could just get ISPs to block computers that were contaminated with whatever program was being the relay I’d be happy.
However, some fool in Asia, who keeps using profanities for his comment spam posts, is hitting my server over and over again. I’ve gotten hundreds of posts from this ‘person’ (which sounds like too high a ranking for such slime) within the last three and a half days. Each one is almost completely identical and would really not help his search engine ranking anyway. I know Phil reported some comment spam, and in chatting with Trint I learned that he got hit with some, too, but has anyone else gotten these sorts of ‘treats?’
I’m using Moo-Kitty’s Comment Spam blocker to prevent it from being published, but I still have to remove it from the WordPress database.
I can say Spam tastes OK when wrapped in rice (not ricin!) and sea weed ! My aunt made some for me back in the day. Yummy!
While writing this three comment spams were blocked by my filters, but had to be removed.
I totally know your frustration, Randy. I’ve been bombarded with a lot of comment spamming the past few days at my site. Same problem?WP Blacklist (a modified version of MT Blacklist) prevents the spam from being published, but still gets posted to the database. I’m about [–] this close to writing a little mod to see if that will help prevent the posting.
As far as the swearing thing goes, maybe it’s a bit presumptuous or assuming to say this, but the love that Jesus has for us is not only when we’re in our best moments, but in our worst as well. Jesus pretty much set the standard through the roof regarding thoughts (e.g., “if you ever so much as have a hateful thought towards your brother, you’ve committed murder in your heart”) and yet He still loves us and has great compassion for us in the MIDST of that.
I say that not to justify swearing about the bass turdz who bombard us with spam, but to say that whether you think it, type it or say it, that won’t lessen the degree of love our Father has for us when we are in Christ Jesus. How’s that for hope for the hopeless?
It’s the hope that I live with every moment. I’m glad my righteousness is in Christ, and I’m hidden in Him!