New Blog to Monitor

My buddy Ben Linn, and his wife Dorine, have a blog now. Super cool. Ben is really oddly funny so I love to chuckle at what he says. He was the DJ at Becky’s wedding. Ben is a much better MC than I am, he’s funny, he’s got a lot of wit and I’m too focused on changing the songs correctly with little interjection. But that’s a throw back when we use to DJ at ‘Christian Skate Night’ at Skate Trak here in Carson City.

Ben and I used to be in a band together (should have been ‘banned’) in high school and also we played at a coffee house in Reno a couple times. His skillz rock and he’s fun to play with. I look forward to some future playing… when we come to visit again. He and the Missus are a blessing.