Accessible Forms

Ian Lloyd writes what has to be one of the best articles on Accessible Forms for web developers. Really good. While I employ most of what he writes already, there were a few things I learned as well. I’d like to also point out that with CSS you can style a form button or submit button to look like a text link if you want to, thus if you need to make your submission look like a link for styling reasons you can do so with the magic of CSS: Update

The site is updated now to use alt attributes for its images so that handicapped users can have their screen readers read them and so that people with their browsers not rendering images can still see where the links are going. The material on this site was really helpful in my spiritual growth.

Stopdesign Redesign Phase II

has updated ‘their’ look. And when I say ‘their’ it’s like I say ‘we’ for Randy Peterman. Because primarily I work alone. Doug has done a good job of keeping it nice and clean, but I also think that he needs to widen up his middle column on the front page because otherwise it’s just too narrow and I have a hard time focusing in on what is sub-navigation, what is content etc.

Furthermore, in this impromptu critique I love his navigation link mouseovers on the ‘seealso‘ page. Each section of the site has its own look which allows Doug to show off his design style without asking you to pick a stylesheet (a la
Good stuff over all.

Nigritude Ultramarine

Nigritude Ultramarine is a phrase that a search engine optimization contest is running on. Since it is clearly a goofy, jokester sort of a phrase I think it’s interesting that Anil Dash is trying to win the contest by getting as many bloggers to link to it as possible. So, Anil, if you win an iPod I hope that MovableType lets you use it at work. Nigritude Ultramarine. also blogged about Nigritude Ultramarine.