Spread Firefox

If you don’t already use FireFox as your browser, may I suggest you try it out? Version 1.o is here and it’s faster, cooler and more secure than Internet Explorer. What I find so neat about FireFox is that it’s free but better quality than most paid browsers (which I include Internet Explorer – Windows is not free). I know I push this browser periodically, but it is so excellent that I like for people to give it a chance, you won’t go back.

Microsoft Music Store

If you’re after a booooring web interface with which to buy your music online, look no further than The MSN Music Store.

They’ve carefully used tables and div tags all over the HTML code to help make sure that their compatibility with browsers that render boring (Netscape 4). The top albums pictured on the page further the ‘old-way’ mindset of major artists with no-one new or independent shown on the list. Beautiful… not!

Link via www.kottke.org.

AudioBlogging: Dumb

This MP3 file has got to be one of the funniest serious things I’ve heard in a while. Way more funny than the RNC or this little video clip. Why is it funny? Because it exposes the silly nature of audioblogging on the web. I have often wondered why various technologies or trends come into play, audio and video blogging is one of them. You’ll have to listen to it to understand.

Hat tip: Simon Willison